Israel turns away aid trucks for having scissors in medical kits, UN relief agency head says

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini has said that a truck loaded with aid was turned back because it had scissors used in children’s medical kits. “Medical scissors are now added to a long list of banned items the Israeli Authorities classify as ‘for dual use,'” Lazzarini said Monday on … The post Israel turns away aid trucks for having scissors in medical kits, UN relief agency head says appeared first on Egypt Independent.

Mar 14, 2024 - 09:00
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Israel turns away aid trucks for having scissors in medical kits, UN relief agency head says

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini has said that a truck loaded with aid was turned back because it had scissors used in children’s medical kits.

“Medical scissors are now added to a long list of banned items the Israeli Authorities classify as ‘for dual use,'” Lazzarini said Monday on X.
“The list includes basic and lifesaving items: from anesthetics, solar lights, oxygen cylinders and ventilators, to water cleaning tablets, cancer medicines and maternity kits.”

He said that the lives of 2 million people depend on the “clearance of humanitarian supplies + the delivery of basic & critical items,” adding there is “no time to waste.”

CNN has previously reported that humanitarian workers and government officials working to deliver urgently needed aid for Gaza say a clear pattern has emerged of Israeli obstruction, as disease and near-famine conditions grip parts of the besieged enclave.

The post Israel turns away aid trucks for having scissors in medical kits, UN relief agency head says appeared first on Egypt Independent.

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